Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Puppies Day 42 - Happy Six Weeks!

The pups are six weeks old! They continue to amaze me in so many ways and bring such joy to everyone they meet. My good friend, Daren, joined us today for a puppy playdate. It took the two of us to herd them around the yard and keep them where they were supposed to be.

Pink girl taste testing the hose.

I'm gonna get you!

Talk about rough and tumble play. Love these action shots of green and black boys wrestling.

Caught in mid air!

Orange girl could be in a calendar with this pose.

Green boy showing a classic point. Very cool!

Purple girl found a good scent here.

No you don't need glasses - the shot is blurry. But check out her ears flapping in the breeze as she runs across the yard!

and of course, who wouldn't be smiling holding on to one of our sweet puppies!

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