Friday, November 15, 2013


CeCe on the left, Momma Savi on the right
A family that trains together stays together!  A fun night this week when I did a drop-in class at the training school where KellyAnn and CeCe, Savi's daughter, train for competitive obedience.  Very cute to see Savi and her daughter, do the obedience exercises.  I was impressed with 6-month old CeCe's great focus and Kel is doing a terrific job with her.  It was a good opportunity to work Savi in a new environment with new dogs and many distractions.

CeCe started Puppy Kindergarten when she was 10 weeks old and after that class, enrolled in a beginner obedience class.  She showed wonderful potential and was moved up into a Beginner Novice class, where the training is geared to competitive obedience.  All the skills CeCe is learning will benefit her in any venue that KellyAnn decides to venture into as well as just making CeCe a well-behaved dog and easier to live with.  My personal recommendation to my puppy people is that they should commit to two years of formal training at a high quality training school.  Training builds teamwork and gives the dog, especially Weimaraners, much needed mental stimulation.

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