Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jam is now a Delta Therapy Dog!

Last Sunday, Jam, CH Grayhart's Purple Haze,JH,NA,NAJ,NSD,CGC,V, and I underwent evaluation for the Delta Society Pet Parners Program.  The test was given at Kathy Santo's Dog Training School.

What is unique about this program is that both the dog and handler are tested on their skills and aptitude as relating to what it takes to being a successful and safe team able to visit various environments.  I was so proud of Jam, who did an awesome job, getting the highest marks in all test categories and we received an overall team qualification to visit in complex environments.

From the Delta Society website:

Pet Partners® program

Delta Society's Pet Partners program trains volunteers and screens volunteers and their pets for visiting animal programs in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, schools and other facilities.
The Pet Partners program was established in 1990 to ensure that "both ends of the leash," people as well as animals, were well-prepared to participate in animal-assisted activity and animal-assisted therapy programs. Pet Partners is the only national registry that requires volunteer training and screening of animal-handler teams.

Delta Society's national network links volunteers with facilities in their own communities that request visiting pets and helps Pet Partners contact facilities to begin visits in new locations.

Thanks to my good friend, Kellyann for the terrific photos and helping make the entire test day a success!

1 comment:

June said...

Jam's got a whole alphabet after her name with all those titles... will Delta be added to it too?
